Leadership Lens: Behaviour drives Culture, Culture drives Performance

The theory that “Behaviour drives Culture, Culture drives Performance” states that all levels of an organization’s culture are shaped by human actions and attitudes. It shapes organisational performance, from staff engagement to customer happiness and financial results. The collective behaviours of an organisation define its culture, which affects it’s ability to achieve strategic goals and succeed long-term.

It’s similar to how an architectural blueprint determines the structural integrity and aesthetics of a structure. Individual behaviours are the blueprint for an organization’s culture. This blueprint serves as the basis for the framework of performance, determining its strength, functionality, and, ultimately, success or failure in the face of adversity.

Fittingly, I helped an interior design studio enhance its culture last year. When we met to improve 1:1 design reviews, one of their Directors said,

“Jess, every line I draw is intentional and contributes to the design. All strokes are needed for success.”

I responded:

“And as a leader, every word you exchange with your designers contributes to your culture. All behaviours you demonstrate are needed for your studio’s success.”

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.

We must not underestimate the impact that we as leaders have on corporate culture, as well as the impact that culture has on profitability. Deloitte’s Global Human Capital Trends report emphasises the relevance of organisational culture in attaining commercial success. According to their studies, 94% of executives and 88% of employees agree that a unique workplace culture is critical to corporate success.

Catalyst Pyramid Model

Walk before you run

Before addressing your ‘behaviour-culture-performance dilemma,’ define performance for yourself. Success looks like what? This could mean increased sales or work efficiency for some. Others prioritise profit margins or risk reduction. Would you rather boost employee engagement and reduce turnover?

Working with us:

We’ll help you set leadership programme goals initially. We methodically work on individual and communal attitudes and beliefs, then develop the team’s or organization’s purpose and values. This usually involves reviewing the charter and choosing which behaviours to promote and prohibit. Only then will we offer workshops and coaching sessions to strengthen these behavioural skills to help your people build a successful culture.

Piqued your interest? Get in touch or check out our Catalyst Program.

Jessica Schubert

Jessica Schubert is a Leadership Expert, Executive Coach, Facilitator, Author and Speaker. She is obsessed with helping people realise their potential and unlock their inner genius.

Born in Cologne, Germany, Jessica has travelled the world and has spent more than 20 years leading cross-cultural teams in competitive markets throughout Europe and the Asia Pacific. As she worked with and coached her own diverse, cross-cultural teams, she came to realise that learning about yourself and developing interpersonal skills is the most powerful tool to lead and influence people around you.

In 2013 she launched Intact Teams, where she and her team have worked with thousands of leaders in organisations worldwide, delivering custom-designed leadership programs and workshops. These interactive and engaging programs are offered both virtually and in-person, helping leaders and their teams succeed in a complex and ever-changing business environment.

If you would like to find out more about Jessica and Intact Teams:

  1. Subscribe to our newsletter to get Jessica’s insightful, practical leadership and self-improvement tips straight to your inbox every week.
  2. Pre-order Jessica’s book, Lead the Future, the 12 skills to lead in a fast changing, ambiguous world.
  3. Get our online program, Lead the Future, and learn the leadership skills you need to lead in a fast changing, ambiguous world.
  4. Contact Jessica to find out more about her tailored leadership programs.
Jessica Schubert